Rewind for Sales

Seal Every Deal

Intelligently record, recall, and recover important prospect info

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Rewind is a privacy-first app that records what you do and makes it searchable.

All data is stored locally and you have full control over what is captured.

Close more deals faster by making every prospect feel like the only one.

  • Record any meeting, even if you aren't the meeting owner.
  • Quickly recall how you know someone and what was last said before hopping on a call.
  • Easily surface what was most important to a prospect.
  • Recover your work on Salesforce, even after crashes.
  • Reference previous calls to confirm what was said by whom and when.

See how other sales leaders are closing more deals with Rewind.

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See what it's like to have perfect memory.

Meet your new superpower

Just Ask. Let Rewind find or make what you need.

Summarize the team daily standup meeting
What did I look at on Twitter three days ago?
Write a status update about what I did today
What was I doing in Slack today?

Never forget your action items. Rewind records and summarizes your meetings.

Time travel is a keystroke away. Rewind time to see what you did.

If you've seen it, said it, or heard it, Rewind can find it for you.